Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Prophecy of Messiah

Read Genesis 47-49.

Joseph walked into the presence of the most powerful man in the world and presented his family.  Pharaoh's appreciation and trust of Joseph is seen vividly when he extended to this entire family the best of the land.  It was the land of Goshen, or as it is called in 47:11, the land of Ramses.  Then, through Joseph's God-given wisdom and opportunity during the famine, Pharaoh ended up owning everything in Egypt.

Seventeen more years went by and Jacob, at 147 years of age, was dying.  On his deathbed Jacob gives a testimony of journey with God.  Key to his account is the covenant God made with Abraham and was passed on to Isaac and then to Jacob.  Finally, he began to bless his family, one by one, with some predictions of their futures.

Remember, that Messiah's lineage will come through Judah.  Humanly, he could not have known that at time, but now with the rest of scripture complete, his words to Judah are fascinating.
1. The family will praise him, even bow down before him. v.8a, 8c
2. He will be victorious over his enemies. v.8b
3. He is referred to as a lion. v.9
4. He will rule as a king. v. 10
5. He will bring in a time of prosperity, even opulence. vv.11-13

Compare that list to passages about Jesus, the Messiah.
1. Philippians 2:9-11
2. Hebrews 1:12
3. Revelation 5:5
4. Hebrews 1:8
5. Isaiah 65:21-25

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