Thursday, June 27, 2024

When you think things cannot get any Worse

 Read Genesis 40. 

Twice the term "some time" is used in this chapter.  The point is that Joseph was being held for an indefinite term with no one to intervene on his behalf. 

Two notable men joined Joseph in prison.  These were not ordinary criminals.  They were servants of Pharaoh, VIPs, and used to royal treatment.  So, the best trustee was assigned to attend to their needs.  This is a Divine appointment.  An interesting side note is that Joseph was under the authority of "the captain of the guard".  It was the captain of the guard who purchased Joseph as a slave (39:1) and it was this man's wife whose false accusation against Joseph put him in prison.  

Both of the new men had dreams and needed help understanding their meanings. 

Previously, Joseph alienated his family because of the way he shared with them the dreams that God had given him.  His pride and ego caused him to misuse a good thing.  "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6).  Do not miss the different spirit in Joseph recorded in verse 8.  He humbly gave God credit in advance.  At the same time, he was aware that God had given him a gift.  This was a new opportunity to use that gift. 

His singular request in helping the chief cupbearer was "only remember me" (v.14).  The dreams became true exactly as Joseph had interpreted them.  But the last phrase in the chapter is devastating.  The chief cupbearer "forgot him."    

Just when you think things cannot get any worse, they often do.  It is obvious that Joseph had made great progress in his character development and maturity.  It is equally obvious that God could use Joseph to make a difference in the lives of others.  Though Joseph could not possibly see what God was up to, He was honing Joseph for the exact time and the exact job to change world history.  

Waiting is no one's favorite activity.  Waiting indefinitely, not knowing what will happen, cause many to give up hope.  In the old film development process, the paper containing an unseen picture would be dipped in chemicals.  The paper appeared to be blank.  But slowly a faint image emerged and in time the picture became clear.  Life is a developing picture. 

God was not through with Joseph.  As long as we are alive, God is not through with us either.  The picture is still developing.  Where there is life there is hope.


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