Tuesday, June 11, 2024

4 insights concerning the Next Generation

 Read Genesis 26. 

God's covenant to Abraham is repeated here and passed on to next generation.  Isaac heard firsthand the same three components of the promise: land, offspring, and God's personal blessing.  Though chosen and blessed by God, like his father Abraham, Isaac manifested the exact same character weaknesses of fear and lying. 

After the embarrassing scene of being found out, God blessed Isaac with such abundance of herds and the need for water that Abimelech had to ask him to leave the area.  Like his father, when Isaac moved to a new place he built an altar and worshipped God.  The Lord even received the credit for Isaac's success from the Philistine king.  Abimelech stated, "We see plainly that the LORD has been with you." (v.28) 

Observing this second generation provides four insights.

1.    God blesses us despite our behavior, not because we are perfect.  He loves us because we are His children.  We belong to Him. 

2.    All godly people are human and possess character flaws.  This reminder should keep us humble and dependent on the Holy Spirit to think, speak and behave in a way that pleases Him. 

3.    Our behavior does not change the promises of God.  His word is eternally reliable. 

4.    Being a godly person is no guarantee that our children will be, nor that they will always make godly decisions.  The sin nature is passed on to them, too.  A parent who loves God tries their best to train their children to live according to God's Word and set a consistent, genuine example for them, praying daily for their heart's response to Him.  As they go out on their own, the joy comes when their personal faith is evident and others are able to declare, "We see plainly that the LORD has been with you."  


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