Saturday, June 22, 2024

A call for Revival

 Read Genesis 35. 

Jacob and his family knew better but had become lax in their faithfulness to God.  Over time they mixed their faith in God with the false practices of the culture around them.  This is a call for renewal.  

First of all, repentance was required.  They were ordered to put away those things that were displeasing to the Lord.  Next, they were to worship God.  When they made these bold decisions, the Lord took care of the potential threats around them (v.5). 

Following God's instructions, Jacob led his family back to where God had made Himself personally known to him.  The result on that occasion was protection from the confrontation with Esau.  In that same place, "God appeared to Jacob again" (v.9).  The purpose this time was to restate the Abrahamic Covenant, securing the family's future blessings. 

God gave some very specific instructions about worship.

1. A specific location.  He wanted Jacob to worship at Bethel.  This is where God appeared to him and blessed him previously.  It became a sacred spot for special worship. 

2. A specific spiritual preparation. God ordered him to get rid of all forms of false worship that were evidently among his family and servants.  The God of heaven will not share worship with anyone or anything. 

3. A specific physical preparation.  "Purify yourselves and change your garments."  The plural would indicate that this call to worship was not only for Jacob but everyone in his responsibility.  This worship was a special occasion and God wanted them to come clean inside and out. 

Who is this God of Jacob that is worthy of our worship?

A. He is "the God who answers me in the day of my distress" (v.3).  Jacob knew that God heard and answered his prayers. 

B. He is the God who "has been with me wherever I have gone" (v.3).  As we read in earlier chapters, Jacob was never alone.  God's word promises, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." 

C. He is the God who protects His people as they do His will (v.5).

D. He is the God who has "revealed Himself" (v.7).  God is knowable and wants people to know Him personally. 

E. He God Almighty (El Shaddai) and restated the same promise He made to Abraham.  God will be faithful to fulfill all He has promised. 

F. He is the God who "had spoken to him" (v.15).  It is our responsibility to know what God has said.  God speaks to us through His written word and the Holy Spirit affirms the truth to our minds and spirits.


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