Sunday, June 2, 2024

Believing God for the Impossible

 Read Genesis 17. 

After Abram's disbelief and failure in chapter 16, the LORD appeared to Abram again to reaffirm the everlasting covenant.  This is the third time God promised him innumerable descendants and the land.  Despite the fact that more than thirteen years had passed, God would indeed keep his promise.  The LORD waited until Abram and Sarai believed it was humanly impossible for them to conceive a child.  In this way, everyone would know that the LORD alone would receive the credit.  It would be a miracle! 

Several things were about to change.  For all these years his name has been Abram, which means father.  A man with no children named father would be laughable in itself, but at age 99 it was more embarrassing than amusing.  Then, God changed his name to Abraham, which means father of a multitude. 

Sarai, whose name means princess, will now be called Sarah.  This is only a slight change in meaning, but it is enough to give her something to live up to.  Here at about age 90, God foretold that she will give birth to a son. 

Such declarations caused Abraham to laugh.  How incredible this seemed to him!  God instructed the child to be named Isaac, which means laughter.   

In commenting on this very passage, the Apostle Paul wrote: "...God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist....No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised." (Romans 4:17-20) 

Humans only see the past and the present.  God sees the end from the beginning.  In His plan for our lives, the LORD sees not only the way things are but as they can and will be.  It is the essence of faith to believe in life and eternity according to God's word and His will. 


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