Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What to do after the Failure

 Read Joshua 8. 

He is called the God of the second chance for a reason.  When one fails the first test, the LORD will bring that person right back to the same situation in order to pass the test and move on with His plan for their lives.  It is pitiful when some waste their entire lives failing the same test over and over. 

The failure for Israel happened in chapter 7.  But then the LORD encouraged Joshua to go back to the same place, better armed with a better plan, and ready to succeed.  The plan came with a promised blessing.  This time they were allowed to take all the plunder for themselves.  Unlike when they failed, they knew exactly what God wanted done and dispatched ten times the resources to destroy this little city. 

While the implementation of the battle strategy makes for fascinating reading, it is not the point of the story.  This was the second generation who received a second opportunity to obey God and reestablish themselves in the Promised Land.  Therefore, after the battle was won, Joshua took care in following all the instructions in the second giving of the law (Deuteronomy). 

It is a wonderful picture of how to get back on track after a train wreck failure.

1. He built an altar.

Joshua went to the place God had chosen for public worship.  Hebrews 10:25 exhorts us to increase meeting together "as you see the Day drawing near." 

2. He presented offerings to the LORD.

Worship and giving are inseparable. 

3. He wrote out his own copy of the word of God and read it just as Moses instructed.

Today, we can simply purchase a Bible or download an app.  But reading it, knowing what it means, putting it into practice for our blessing requires the daily discipline of a true disciple. 

Let's move on.  Today is an opportunity to pass God's tests and be blessed.


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