Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What happened to God's Grandchildren?

 Read Judges 2. 

Someone once said, "God does not have any grandchildren."  That could not be clearer than in this chapter.  The first generation coming out of Egypt saw firsthand the miracles of God.  Moses even wrote down the word of God and their commitments so they would not forget.  The second generation benefited as they wandered in the wilderness.  God provided their daily food and needs.  When the second generation came into the land, they saw firsthand God's power and miracles under Joshua's leadership. 

But when Joshua died, "there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD or the work that he had done for Israel.  And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD and served the Baals." (v.10-11)  This resulted in their loss of God's power in their nation and placed them in "terrible distress." 

In their helplessness, the nation cried out to God for help.  The LORD responded by raising up a new national leader, called a judge.  That was followed by a time of victory and peace.  But as soon as the judge died, the people abandoned God and plunged back into pagan worship.  That was followed by oppression from a neighboring nation, great distress, helplessness, crying out to God, a new judge, and a time of peace. 

This cycle repeats itself 7 times in this book.  Walk Thru the Bible described it this way:

1. Sin-the nation falls into pagan worship.

2. Servitude-the nation suffers under an oppressive enemy.

3. Supplication-the nation cries out to God for help.

4. Salvation-God responds by raising up a new national leader to deliver them.

5. Silence-a time of peace 

In verse 22, God called each generation to a spiritual test to see if they would live according to His word.  Whatever grade the previous generation made on their test did not apply to the next.  

No one can take God's tests for us.  Godly parents do not guarantee godly children.  Parents are commanded to teach their children by precept and by living example (Deuteronomy 6).  But each generation, each person, is responsible and accountable for their own response to God.  The consequences for not listening and abandoning the LORD are devastating.  Great blessing, forgiveness, deliverance, and peace await those who cast their helplessness on Him.


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