Monday, October 7, 2024

One of the greatest unused Resources

 Read Joshua 13-14. 

There is a difference in conquering a territory and possessing it.  Indeed, Joshua’s militarily conquered and controlled the land of Canaan.  However, the nation had not yet made it their home.  God said, "There is still much land to possess." (13:1b) 

It was time to divide up the land among all the tribes and allot to each their covenant inheritance.  Two and a half tribes had requested land on the east side of the Jordan.  The tribe of Levi did not receive a land grant due to their charge to serve the rest of the nation.  

When it came time for Judah to receive their tribal boundaries, one man stepped forward.  Caleb served as one of the original twelve spies in the book of Numbers.  He had seen the land.  When the twelve gave their report to Moses only Joshua and Caleb were faithful in what God wanted done.  The nation rejected God's plan and that initiated the previous forty years of wandering in the wilderness. 

Caleb was forty when asked to be a spy.  Now at eighty-five years of age, his testimony is pure gold.

1. "I wholly followed the LORD my God." (14:8)

2. "I am still as strong today as I was..." (14:11)

3. "So now give me this hill country." (14:12)

4. "I shall drive them out just as the LORD said." (14:12) 

In America, we were brainwashed into thinking that at about age 65 one should quit working and simply retire.  The economic realities of that plan have come as a surprise to most.  The majority may never be able to retire, certainly not as they had once dreamed.  The result of that thinking has been to marginalize older adults who still have plenty of experience and ability left in them. 

Those four statements from Caleb should encourage all who are of a certain age and be a great enlightenment to those who are younger.  Just because a person has some miles on their odometer does not mean either they are through serving God or that God is through using them mightily.  Instead, the Bible has a few things to say about respect for those who are older.  Leaders should be jumping at the opportunities to utilize the experience and knowledge of those who are ahead of them on the road of life. 

Age does not equal maturity or wisdom.  But look for answers to the key elements.

1. Have they/are they wholly following the LORD?

2. Are they able to handle the task?

3. Do they still have dreams and ambition for more, even greater, achievement?

4. Do they have the energy and capacity to move forward with change and new challenges?



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