Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The beginning of the End

 Read Revelation 18.

A rebuilt city of Babylon will serve as both the headquarters of the world's government and its religious system.  The one in charge of enforcing the worship of the Antichrist is called the second beast in chapter 13 and depicted as a great prostitute in chapter 17, living in opulence with far too much influence.  The angel announced that God will destroy Babylon in a single hour (vv.10, 17, 19).  The merchants of the world will mourn greatly.

The sins of this city "are heaped up high as heaven" (v.5).  An identified voice calls out, "Pay her back as she herself has paid back others" (v.6).  Exactly what are those sins?

1. Sexual Immorality. (17:2)  
Once a person or a culture disregards or eliminates the moral teachings of Scripture, they will run rampant sexually.  Anything will eventually be considered acceptable because each one will be a standard unto themselves.  During the Tribulation, no behavior will be out of bounds, except perhaps, certain edicts from Babylon.

2. Commercial Immorality.
With the one-world government controlling all buying and selling (13:17), approved merchants and other leaders will make themselves wealthy.  They will bedfellows for personal pleasure and ill-gotten financial gain.

3. Pride. (18:7) 
When one's heart is in rebellion against God, there will arise a false belief that life may be lived on their own terms without consequence.  But the ancient wisdom of Proverbs 16:18 is still true.  "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." 

4. Demonic Spiritism. (18:23)
The world will be religious.  They will be involved in spiritual worship.  At issue is that their system of religion will originate and be empowered by Satan himself.  As the ultimate liar, deceiver, and counterfeiter, he will offer the world a false messiah.  Sorcery and witchcraft will be included.  The Greek word for sorcery has to do with drugs.  Historically, Babylon is the founding place of astrology and all false religions.

5. Murders. (18:24)
The target of the government's hatred will be anyone who is committed to Jesus.  In a culture that will pride itself in the tolerance of anything, Christians will not be tolerated.  Their godly lifestyles, their beliefs, and their refusal to worship the Antichrist will bring persecution and may cost them their lives.  It is this same spirit of antichrist who throughout history has always attempted to thwart the plans of God by annihilating God's people.  "And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain on earth."

God's call to His people also has not changed throughout history.  "Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins..." (18:4).  Believers are to live separated lives.  We are in the world but we are not of the world.   Protecting ourselves from sinful influences and practices is key to influencing our world for Christ.  The Apostle Paul made this same point in his day.  "Therefore go out from their midst and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you..." (2 Corinthians 6:17)


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