Tuesday, May 7, 2024

2 lessons for us from Armageddon

 Read Revelation 17.

The battle of Armageddon will not be an international war as many have used the term.  Nor will it be the end of the world and human life on earth.  It is most helpful to go to the one and only definitive source that describes Armageddon for a clear understanding.  The nations of the world will not be at war with each other.  In fact, they will unite in order to wage war against their common enemy. 

To explain this to the Apostle John, images are shown to him.  There was no need for John, or us, to be confused by these or to speculate as to their meanings.  Each is explained within this chapter.

The great prostitute.
The symbolic woman is identified as one who lives in opulence.   She has intimate relationships with all the world's leaders.  Her actions are called immoral as she has sold herself to these leaders in exchange for money and power.  Her influence over these leaders is akin to drunkenness.  Her relationship with the peoples of earth is she sits on them, as a picture of oppression.  She is guilty of killing believers in Jesus (v.6).  This describes the religious system, established by the false prophet in chapter 15.  Empowered by Satan, the object of worship is the Antichrist. 

She wears the label of Babylon.  Babylon is the mother or source of all rebellious belief systems against God.  The city may be traced to Genesis 10-11 when founded by Nimrod.  It was the place of defiance against God in constructing the infamous tower of Babel.  All false religion and idolatry may be traced back to this one city.  "The woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth." (v.18)  Here we are told that the religious system will have power over government, at least for a time.  Verse 16 indicates that world leaders will reach a point where they will reject this religious control, strip her of her authority, and destroy her once and for all.

The kings.
These leaders from various parts of the globe are described as heads and horns on the prostitute.  World leaders are often labeled as heads of state.  They wield horns of power.  Verses 2, 10 and 12 make clear who they are.  They will be of "one mind".  Collectively, they will submit their authority and military might to her for the purpose of waging full scale war against the Lamb of God. (v.14).

The beast.
He is the 8th leader mentioned in verse 11.  This is the Antichrist, the beast of chapter 13. 

So, what does this have to do with us?
1. How ludicrous for human beings to think they can rebel and fight against the God of heaven!  Jesus is "Lord of lords and King of kings" (v.14b).  He is omnipotent.  They cannot win this war.  This demonstrates the demonic inspired insanity that results from rejecting Jesus.  Yet, people today reject Jesus and do not think there will be any consequence.  It is a loser's belief.

2. All of these prophecies underscore that God is actively at work in this world.  "For God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled."  (v.17)  And, more importantly for today, He has a plan and purpose for each of our lives that He is working out right now.  Pursue Him.


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