Thursday, May 30, 2024

A demonstration of selfless Gratitude

 Read Genesis 14.

Genesis 14 contains the third recorded test of Abram's faith.  Because of the capture of his nephew, Lot, Abram quickly assembled a small army of his own trained servants and completely overturned the disaster with a great victory.  Abram could have claimed rulership of the entire area, along with all their possessions, for himself.  The people would have made him a king.  Instead, it appears from verse 22 that he had made a prior commitment that if God gave him success he would take nothing for himself.  In an act of humble gratitude, he honored God as the Owner of all things and in worship gave a tenth of everything. 

Upon Abram's return, he met the king/priest of Salem (later known as Jerusalem).  Melchizedek did three things in this encounter:

1. He blessed Abram, giving God the credit.

2. He acknowledged God's ownership of heaven and earth, giving God the glory.

3. He received a tenth of everything, giving God worship.

True worship of God and giving are inseparable.  

This the first mention of tithing in the Bible.  Here are some modern questions about tithing:

A. "Should I give a tenth of the gross or the net?"

The verse says "everything." 

B. "Should I give a tenth before or after I pay my bills?"

Abram gave in verse 20 and paid his bills in verse 24.  Proverbs 3:9 underscores this priority.  "Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce."  It is a matter of trust in God.  Honoring Him with the first means I trust He will bless the rest. 

C. "But isn't tithing Old Testament Law and we are no longer under the law?"

Note that Abram did not live under the Law of Moses.  He lived at least 450 years before Moses received the Law at Mount Sinai.  The Law did not initiate tithing.  It only codified the existing practice. 

Abram did not give in worship because he felt he owed God 10% of his gain.  Rather, he gave in acknowledgement that God owns it all and that the LORD had blessed him.  The first lesson of stewardship is that God is the rightful Owner of everything.  "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. (Psalm 24:1)


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