Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Is Jesus your Lord? Here is the Proof

 Read Psalm 123.

On the journey, this song pleads for God's mercy.  It was a time when the writer had had enough; in fact, more than enough.  Troubled by some contemptible, scornful and arrogant people, the psalmist cried out for the LORD to intervene on his behalf. 

So many try to take matters into their own hands, only to make things worse.  When we reach the end of ourselves and our ability to fix life, then we realize what we should have done in the first place.  Instead of turning to God as a last resort, we must remember who is always and ultimately in charge.

Multiple voices will try to tell us what to do.  Man-made philosophies and self-help theories will all prove to avoid any remedy for our sin and the sinful behaviors of others.  Only Jesus Christ offers forgiveness.  Only He has paid the price for our sin.  Jesus is alive!  He is the Master and Controller of all things (Colossians 1:17).

"As the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master..."  That is how we should be looking to God-- expectantly, eager, ready to immediately obey whatever His Word commands.

1. The Master is the one in charge over His servants.
2. The Master is the authoritative voice for a servant to heed.
3. The Master is the one that servants must obey.
4. The Master is the one who will hold His servants accountable.

These are some proofs of who is really Lord of one's life and whose servants we are.


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