Thursday, June 30, 2022

3 reasons to praise the LORD Today

 Read Psalm 135. 

The songwriter begins with a general call to praise Jehovah.  He urged the priests who served in God's house to praise the LORD.  As the verses progress, he gave specific reasons that underpin such a response to the God of heaven. 

1. His sovereign choosing of His people. (v.4)

To fulfill His messianic plan, God chose Abraham, He chose Isaac, He chose Jacob.  The people of Israel were not selected because they were the biggest or the best but solely because it pleased God to do so.  It was totally unmerited favor on His part.  And, so it is with every believer in Jesus.  There is nothing in us that warrants the forgiveness and kindness of the LORD.  Yet, it pleases Him to extend His grace to us.  Praise the LORD! 

2. His sovereign control of His creation.

Since He is the Creator, He is the Owner.  He has the right to do as He wishes with His property.  The psalmist provided several examples of God's control.

--The LORD is in ultimate control of nature.  Heaven, earth, the seas, rain, and wind obey Him. (vv.5-7)

--The LORD is in ultimate control of nations.  The historical evidence is clear.  God puts down one and raises another as it pleases Him. (vv.8-12)

--The LORD is in ultimate control of notions.  People, in rejection of God, will seek other means of life-guidance.  They will carve or cast their own gods.  They will worship items of God's creation on earth or in the heavens.  They will shuffle cards, read palms and tea leaves.  They will pretend that there is a god inside themselves and try all means of self-help.  Anything and everything may be worshiped once a person rejects the LORD and refuses to learn the Scriptures. (vv.15-18)  There is only one true and living God and He is personally knowable.  He has provided His manual for life.  Praise the LORD! 

3. His sovereign compassion on His people. (vv.13-14)

God's people are not perfect.  They experience hardships, injustices, and times of great need.  What makes the difference for those who have a personal relationship with the LORD is our instant access to the Throne of Grace.  Forgiven and in right standing with Him, God encourages us to come boldly, with confidence, "that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)  Praise the LORD!

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