Thursday, June 23, 2022

Encouraging the Suffering

 Read Psalm 129.

Looking back, the nation of Israel has a long history of being persecuted by its neighbors on all sides.  Oppression, threats, and war have marked nearly every generation of the Jews. 

The Egyptians put them into slavery for 400 years.  The Philistines, among others, consistently attacked at every opportunity.  Later, it was the Assyrians who took the northern kingdom captive.  Then, the Babylonians took the southern kingdom.  Then, it was the Greeks.  In Jesus' day they were under Roman authority.  In modern times, nation after nation has risen with the announced goal to annihilate the Jews.  Yet, the Jews are still here.  Though spiritually not where God wants them to be, nonetheless, the nation of Israel stands today on the same historic spot given to Abraham. 

Here is more encouragement for the traveler during this time in history.  The psalmist has taken the persecution of his nation and personalized it.  Notice his use of the words "me" and "my."  The metaphors are graphic.  But the theme is that though the Jews have suffered, their enemies "have not prevailed."

1. Prevailing over persecution. (vv.1-4)
It is one thing for enemies to run roughshod over a nation, but here the pain was personal.  Even the memory was torturous, as if they plowed across one's back.  The affliction had been great, but God is greater.  He cut the cords of the enemy that bound them.  He broke their enslaving chains and restored freedom to His people.

2. Prevailing over the persecutors. (vv.5-8)
The enemy, in their hatred, sought to shame Israel and to demonstrate that the LORD God they worshiped could not protect them.  But all the hordes of hell are no match for our God.  He can and did turn the enemies to shame.  Like grass trying to sprout up in shallow soil, the enemies of God will not be established for the long-term, their strength will not endure, and there will be nothing profitable from their evil.  They do not even deserve the customary greeting of "God bless you."

These are good reminders to all that though we may suffer for a time, our God sees and cares.  His power is not diminished by the things that threaten us.  From God's perspective, the battle has already been won and the victory will come in His time.  "...the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment." (2 Peter 2:9)


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