Thursday, December 1, 2022

Why aren’t my prayers being answered?

 Read Isaiah 58.

Here is an interesting conflict.  The people sought to know God and His word daily (v.2).  But, the people's response was that God did not take notice all that they were doing, including fasting.  So, what was the problem?

They went through the motions of worship, but their hearts and lives were full of disobedience.  First, they needed to be right with the LORD.  Their fasting showed only outward humility (v.3).  God wanted them to humble themselves inwardly by confessing and forsaking their sin (v.5)

When they finished going through the motions of worship, their lives were unchanged (v.4).  They needed to demonstrate a difference, especially in the way that they treated people (vv.6-7). 
1. The trapped.  Those who are involved in wicked wrongdoing and cannot get themselves out. Loose them.

2. The oppressed.  Those who are being crushed and struggling to make it in life.  Free them.

3. The hungry.
  Those who do not have enough resources to sustain themselves. 
Feed them.

4. The homeless poor.
  Those who cannot provide a roof over their heads.
Bring them in.

5. The naked.
  Those who lack clothing.  Clothe them.

The LORD said it is such unselfish and loving acts as these that will demonstrate what James called "pure religion and undefiled" (James 1:27).  Not only will the people in need be served but God promised to bless those who serve.

Once a person is right with God and living and obedient lifestyle, “then” (vv.8-14) prayers are heard and answered.

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