Friday, August 20, 2021

What does it take to get your Attention?

 Read 2 Chronicles 12. 

The reason for the failure of Rehoboam in life and as a leader is in the first verse.  He "abandoned the law of the LORD..."  And, as with any person of influence, others followed his example. 

But these were God's people, living on the land that God had given to them, enjoying the blessings of God.  The LORD does not stand by idly while people misuse, abuse or are unfaithful with His stuff.  In the case of nations, God uses opposing nations to pressure or conquer those who refuse to listen to Him. 

The Egyptians threatened to destroy the southern kingdom of Judah.  In God's faithfulness, He sent the Prophet Shemaiah a second time to Rehoboam.  The message from God was short and clear: "You abandoned Me, so I have abandoned you to the Egyptians."  It took this type of pressure and this sharp word from God to finally gain Rehoboam's attention.  He, along with his top leaders, humbled themselves before the LORD in an act of repentance. 

God responded by sparing the people from total destruction.  However, the Egyptians did take "everything" of value that Solomon had amassed and the people lived in servitude. 

1. No one gets away with ignoring or abandoning God's word and His claim on their lives. 

It may seem that way to us as we observe those who live and/or lead in disobedience to God.  But sooner or later the Divine intervention will come.  The Owner of all things will hold each individual accountable, either here or at the Judgment. 

2. The question for all of us is: What does God have to do in order to get our attention so we will listen and respond to Him?

-For many who have hardened their hearts, the loss of home, health, wealth, relationships, etc. appear to have no effect.  God is speaking loudly, but they refuse to listen.

-For many others whose hearts are open, when the pressure or loss comes, they realize that God is their only source of true hope and help.  Their response to Him begins a lifelong personal relationship that can weather any storm.

-For some who have tender hearts toward God, they live expectantly and dependently on the LORD.  So, God does not have to shout to gain their attention.  He has it all the time.  The Prophet Elijah heard the voice of LORD in "the sound of a low whisper." (1 Kings 19:12b)


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