Thursday, December 31, 2020

How shall we then live?

Read Exodus 21-24 

God provides both the requirements and the resources to live for Him. 

Most news broadcasts on television and radio begin the same way.  First the top headlines are presented, followed by the details.  A similar approach may be seen here.  God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and now the details are explained from the end of chapter 20 through the ensuing chapters. 

Notice the word "if" followed by "you".  If this is the case, then here is what you shall do about it.  These are written instructions for those who will judge such cases.  

1. The exclusive worship of God (20:22-26)

God will not share His glory or His worship with anyone or anything else. 

2. The treatment of slaves (21:1-11)

Even in these unfortunate situations, often brought about by poverty, there had to be equitable treatment of these people. 

3. Judgments concerning violence (21:12-25)

The administration of the death penalty is detailed for violence, especially premeditated murder. 

4. Laws of personal restitution (22:1-15)

The people of God were to be good neighbors. 

5. Laws of personal relationships (22:16-23:13)

Romans 13:8-"Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law." 

6. Laws of Sabbath and three annual feasts (23:14-19)

Feast of Unleavened Bread-Passover

Feast of Harvest-Pentecost

Feast of Ingathering-"at the end"

Note that worship and giving to God are inseparable. 

"None shall appear before me empty-handed."  (v.15)

Their giving to God was not the left-overs, nor scattered to others in need as the person desired.  "The best of the firstfruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of the LORD your God." (v.19) 

This section of scripture concludes with God assigning an angel to go before them each step of the way (v.23).  God will certainly fulfill His promises and His plans for them and for us.


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Guidelines for an honorable and rewarding Life

 Read Exodus 20. 

These requirements from the Living God are commonly referred to as the Ten Commandments.  Some have noted they are not called the Ten Suggestions.  They comprise a prologue to the rest of the Old Testament Law. 

The Law was exact and demanding.  Violation of the law and God's expectations required a payment for the sin and guilt.  Those payments are also detailed in the Law.  Time after time, year after year, those sacrifices only covered the sin.  They never took the sin away.  "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law" (Galatians 4:4).  Finally, Jesus, the Messiah, gave Himself as the once and for all sacrifice for sin.  We are no longer to live under the Old Testament Law but under the life-giving grace of God. 

Does that mean that followers of Jesus are lawless?  By no means.  Reviewing the expectations of these commandments in Exodus 20 and comparing the expectations of believers in the New Testament will reveal an even higher standard of living on each point.  Read, for instance, Jesus' comparative statements in Matthew 5:17-20. 

Jesus was later asked which was the greatest commandment in the Law.  "And he said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments depend all the Law and Prophets."  (Matthew 22:37-40) 

Ann Landers was committed to her Jewish faith.  It was this faith that provided much of the basis for the advice that appeared in her daily newspaper columns for decades.  In one response to a reader she wrote, "Never have the principles of justice, ethics, morality and good mental health been enunciated so clearly as in the Bible.  ....may I suggest you read only the Ten Commandments.  It won't take long, and you will have the guidelines for an honorable and rewarding life."


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Who Are God's People?

 Read Exodus 19. 

The description of God coming down to meet with the people is chilling to imagine.  It is awesome in the truest definition of the word.  Imagine the sight and sound.  The display filled every one of the human senses with God's voice, smoke, fire, earthquake, trumpet, and thunder. 

Before issuing what will later be known as the Ten Commandments, God issued His intentions for His people.  This description of Israel is only intensified in the New Testament in regard to who believers in Jesus are. 

1. God's people are His treasured possession. (v.5)

A prime characteristic of a treasure is its high value to the owner.  There is intrinsic worth.  And, as Owner of everything, God's people are His special possession.  

The Apostle Paul stated, " you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)


2. God's people are a kingdom of priests. (v.6a)

The LORD is the King of kings and His people are working on expanding His kingdom.  A priest represents God to people and performs certain tasks on God's behalf.  In the Old Testament they offered sacrifices to God, including those to cover sin. 

The New Testament makes a very clear distinction about believers in Jesus under the New Covenant.  First, there are no more sacrifices for sin.  Jesus died on the cross, once for all (Hebrews 10:12).  He is our High Priest and He alone intercedes for us to the Father.  1 Timothy 2:5, "For there is one God and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." 

Then, the Apostle Peter explains, "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.  Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." 

3. God's people are a holy nation. (v.6b)

The world has too many people saying they are Christians when their lifestyle is no different than those who know nothing of Jesus Christ.  Their speech, their relationships, their use of money, their habits, their thinking, their desires, and the investment of their lives betrays what they say they believe.  God's people are different than those around them. 

1 Peter 1:14-"As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you holy, you also be holy in all your conduct."


Monday, December 28, 2020

Basic organizational Wisdom

Read Exodus 18. 

This is a perfect follow up to Chapter 17 that leaders cannot do it alone.  Proverbs speaks in several places to the issue of listening to wise counsel.  Here is a prime example.  Note that Jethro's first concern was not for Moses, but for the people.  It was not possible for one man to adequately serve the needs of millions of people case by case. 

Moses stated that the people needed help in three areas:

1. Intercession.  Prayer.  They needed to hear from God and know His will.  Prayer on behalf of the people is a major work for every leader.

2. Intervention.  Conflict resolution.  Someone with authority was needed to listen to both sides and apply wisdom to real issues.  Building and maintaining unity within the organization is a never-ending quest of any leader.

3. Instruction.  Teaching God's Word.  The people need to know what God had already said clearly so they can align their lives accordingly. 

Jethro's wisdom is found in his statement that the leader cannot meet these needs alone.  His advice was for Moses to lead in three key areas:

1. "Represent the people before God."  The leader cannot delegate his own prayer life and intercession on behalf of those for whom he is responsible.

2. "You shall warn them about the statutes and laws..."  The leader must be a primary spokesperson regarding what God has said and how the people should then live.

3. "Look for able men from all the people."  Enlisting qualified persons to surround the leader for the purpose of delegating responsibility and authority is crucial to the survival of any organization. 

Jethro even provided the qualifications for the enlistees.

1. "Able."  They have what it takes to do the job.

2. "Fear God."  They have demonstrated a lifestyle that honors the LORD and His word.

3. "Trustworthy."  They have shown themselves faithful in character and performance.    

The benefits and requirements:

1. The leader's load is lighter, but he must be willing to let go of the work others can do.

2. The other leaders are empowered to serve and assume responsibility, but they must be willing to step up and share the load.

3. The people are better cared for, but they must be willing to be served by appointed leaders.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Leaders Cannot Do It Alone

 Read Exodus 17. 

When people lose sight of the bigger picture, they will complain about the details. 

When leaders lose sight of the bigger picture they become overwhelmed. 

Note that Moses did not try to resolve the problem alone.  God instructed him to pass before the people with some of the other national leaders (elders) and the famous staff (a reminder of God's miraculous power in the past). 

The baseline question in verse 7 carries throughout Israel's story and in our lives story as well.  "Is the LORD among us or not?"  Are we doing what God wants done or are we trying to live life on our own?  Are we interpreting events by sight or by faith?  In God's way and in His time, He supplied their need. 

Next, the challenge came not from within to supply the people's needs, but from an external threat.  Instead of allowing the people to pass through their land peaceably, the Amalekites chose to fight and take advantage of these former slaves. 

This chapter records the first war Israel faced on their journey from Egypt.  We meet Joshua for the first time.  Later, we are told that Joshua had been Moses' aide since his youth.  Here, he is the appointed general of Israel's army.  With 600,000 soldiers Joshua engaged in battle against the Amalekites and won by the grace of God. 

Moses was the leader but as any good leader knows he cannot be successful alone.  Moses led by maintaining oversight of what was happening.  God provided Joshua for the field.  When Moses became tired, as all leaders do, God provided Aaron and Hur to support him. 

Leaders do not get tired of the work.  But they do become weary in the work.  Do you know of a spiritual leader who could use your encouragement and loyal support?


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Is it okay to Grumble?

 Read Exodus 16.

The people lost vision of why they were there, how they got there, and who the real leader was.  When that happens, invariably a longing for the "good old days" arises.  This is the second instance where the people actually said they longed to go back to slavery!

They feared their immediate needs were not being met and so they accused Moses of not listening to them, leaving them alone, and that it was all his fault.  But God was their leader.  They were there by direct answer to their prayers and fulfillment of God's promises to them.  They had just witnessed the incredible power of God in wiping out the entire Egyptian army to protect them.  How soon we humans forget and how quick we are to blame!

The LORD planned all along to supply their needs.  This was a test.  He most often waits until there is no answer to the challenge without Divine intervention.  How one behaves while waiting is a test.  And, then our use of the resources He supplies is another test.  Both are seen in this chapter.

But, isn't it okay with God to tell how you truly feel?  When does expressing one's personal feelings cross the line to become grumbling and sinful?
1. When it is expressed in anger.  Yes, we have all experienced hurt that leads to anger.  We can even mentally justify the vengeance.  The emotions are understandable, but they must be quickly resolved.  Unresolved anger can destroy a person from the inside out.

2. When it is expressed with no intent to resolve anything.  This is complaining to complain.  Sometimes folks just like echoing bad news with no thought of working on a solution.  

3. When it is expressed repetitively and based on a personal bias or agenda.  Notice that this is not just a statement of disappointment, but this happens when one will not let it go.  We do this when we do not get our own way, when others did not do it our way, or it is not done on our time table.

4. When it attacks and blames other people.  Almost all the time, there are other humans involved.  However, a spiritually mature person wants to deal with the emotion of the moment quickly so they do not miss what God is doing.  When it does not make sense to us, our faith in God's goodness, His plan, and His provisions are being tested.

God will be faithful.  Will we?


Friday, December 25, 2020

A Time to Celebrate

 Read Exodus 15. 

Up to this time we have read the groaning of the Israelites in the pain and sorrow of slavery.  Next, they cried out in fear as they thought they would be killed by the Egyptian army.  Then, they murmured and complained against Moses.  But in this chapter we hear a new sound in the book of Exodus.  This time, for the first time, we get to hear them praise God and celebrate. 

Psalm 92:1-4 "It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night, to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre.  For you O LORD, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy." 

God redeemed them from their past.  God delivered them from their fears.  God was guiding them into their future.  "The LORD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation." (v.2)

There is great value in those special times of celebrating what God has done--Christmas, Easter, The Lord's Supper, Baptism, testimonies of changed lives, God-given victories, deliverance from problems, and God's supply of blessings.  All the glory, as here in this chapter, should go to the One who made it possible. 

Why is this so important?

1. It is a time for reminding each other of the basis of our faith.  Our faith has a credible foundation and born out through our first hand witness. 

2. It is a time for teaching each other and, especially, the next generation of God's power, love and faithfulness to us. 

3. It is a time for presenting the good news of Jesus to those who have not yet embraced Him as LORD and Savior of their lives.


Thursday, December 24, 2020

5 keys for those in Crisis

 Read Exodus 14. 

God led His people eastward to the shore of the Red Sea.  There were mountains to the north of them and mountains to the south.  Suddenly, Pharaoh and his advisers conclude that these slaves were wandering aimlessly and boxed in.  Then, the Israelites saw the Egyptian army coming after them with full military force. 

There are four perspectives in this account.

1. Pharaoh and the Egyptians had lost their slave labor and were embarrassed.  They wanted to seize what they perceived as an opportunity for some revenge and exercise of their control over Israel.

2. The Israelites feared for their lives.  They had little to no defense against the Egyptian army.  When people are in duress physically, emotionally, even financially, they will blame God and their leaders.  The statements of the people showed no insight into God's leadership.  They blamed Moses for not leaving them alone and for not letting them die as slaves in Egypt.  They had no sense that they were in the center of God's will for their lives, or what God was about to do.

3. But these were God's people.  God led them to this place.  This was God's plan all along.  Three times He stated that He will get glory from Pharaoh and the Egyptian army.

4. Moses, as the leader, suffered the brunt of the verbal attacks by the people.  This won't be the last time that the people turn on him when they feel threatened.  He knew he was where God wanted him to be, doing what God wanted done.  

So, in preparation for a miracle Moses delivered a terse and powerful message to people in verses 13-14.

1. "Fear not."  Fear is the opposite of faith.  In crisis, acknowledge your fear.  Fight your fear with faith in the One who brought you this far and has shown Himself faithful to you in the past.

2. "Stand firm."  Recognize the crisis as a test of your character and of your faith.  A crisis is never a test of God and His ability.  So, stand on what you know is right from what God has said in His Word.

3. "See the salvation of the LORD."  There is hope in the LORD.  It will require patience while we wait on Him to act on our behalf.  Faith lives in a continual mode of expectancy.  "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."  (Hebrews 11:1)  "By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as if on dry land, but the Egyptians, when they attempted to do the same, were drowned." (Hebrews 11:29)

4. "The LORD will fight for you."  Joe Sangl is known for saying, "If it is God's will, then it is God's bill."  In other words, if we are His people, in His will, doing what He wants done, we can count fully on Him to meet our needs.  God is trustworthy.  He is working His plan for our lives, even when we cannot see any movement.

5. "Be silent."  In crisis, we may feel the need to initially vent because we are upset or scared.  But we must quickly reach a point where we stop talking about it.  We cannot hear God's voice if we keep interrupting Him.  Some of our prayer time should be meditating on the Word of God and listening to His insights for us.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

4 questions for the journey of Life

 Read Exodus 13. 

As the Israelites began their journey out of Egypt, God delivered a strong message that established memorial celebration.  This would later be incorporated in the Levitical Law. 

1. "Consecrate to me all the firstborn.  Whatever is the mine." (v.1)  God wants our first and our best, not the leftovers.

As the owner of all things, this is the first message to the nation as they set out on their exodus.  The firstborn in the family was to be especially dedicated to Him.  That was true also of their livestock.  When they arrived on the land and grew crops, it was the first fruits of their harvest that was given to the LORD.  Proverbs 3:9-10, "Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting forth with wine."  The implication is that expressing such gratitude to God at first anticipates His blessings on the rest. 

Question: Are you honoring the LORD with the first of all your increase? 

2. "You shall tell your son on that day, 'It is because of what the LORD did for me..." (v.8)

Tell your story to the next generation so they know they know firsthand of the power of God in your life.  Begin with how you came to place your personal faith in Christ.  Then, recount those times when God answered your prayers, protected you and provided for you in unusual ways.

Question: Does the next generation in your family know the story how God has displayed His power in your life? 

3.  "And it shall be to you as a sign on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, that the law of the LORD may be in your mouth." (v.9)

Your God-story should be evident in three personal and obvious ways: a) hand-what you do; b) eyes-what you see and how you interpret life; mouth-what you say.  

Question: Is it obvious to others in your daily contacts that God has made a difference in your life? 

4.  "And the LORD went before them..." (v.21) 

The pillar of cloud gave them direction as well as shade from the desert heat.  The pillar of fire provided light and warmth in the desert night.  No matter where the journey takes you, God is there, in the lead, shielding and providing.  

Question: Have you noticed how the LORD protected and provided for you today?  Have you thanked Him? 


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Making Passover Personal

 Read Exodus 12. 

The LORD gave Moses the message of how He would deliver the people of Israel.  They were to be dressed, packed up, and standing up while eating a good meal with their walking staff in hand, ready to leave Egypt.  Imagine the faith it took on the part of these slaves to believe that after more than 400 years they would actually be leaving.  Yet, they worshiped God when they heard His word and prepared accordingly. 

God is a God of justice and, therefore, He judges sin.  God is a God of mercy and, therefore, provides a way of escape from that judgment.  The details included:

1. Instruction: sacrifice a lamb and apply the blood to the top and sides of the door frame.

2. Condition: without blemish.

3. Perfection: no broken bones, watched for four days to be sure of the condition.

4. Reason: "I will execute judgment and kill all firstborn".

5. Personal application: "every man a lamb", "your lamb", personal identification with the sacrifice.

6. Results: God promised when He saw the blood applied He would "pass over" those who responded.

(Source: Walk Thru the Bible) 

This is not the first time we have seen God provide the death of an animal, especially a lamb, on behalf of person's sin.

Genesis 3:21-in the Garden of Eden, after the sin of Adam and Eve, God took the skin of an animal and clothed the guilty couple.

Genesis 4:4-Abel brought the firstborn of his flock and offered it to the LORD as a sacrifice.

Genesis 22:1-13-God called Abraham to offer his firstborn son as a sacrifice.  On the way, Isaac asked where the lamb was for the burnt offering.  This clearly indicates the normal expectation in the worship of God at that time.  Abraham answered, "God will provide for himself the lamb for the burnt offering."

Keep in mind that those statements in Genesis are centuries prior to the law.  The law only incorporated what God had already expected as a covering for sin. 

From Genesis to Revelation the concept of the sacrificial lamb, shedding blood in atonement for personal sin, is consistently taught.  Hebrews 9:22, "...without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." 

Isaiah 53:7-12 describes the Messiah as a lamb and as One who will die as an offering for sin. 

When John, the Baptist, saw Jesus, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29).  Jesus said of Himself that He came "to give His life as a ransom" (Matthew 20:28).  In Hebrews 9:26, referring to Jesus, "...he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." 

And, in the final judgments God has announced for this earth, in preparation for the glorious return of the Messiah to rule and reign, Revelation 5:11-12 describe the opening scenes with these words-"Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, 'Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!'" 

Jesus, the perfect and only sacrificial payment for our sin, mercifully offers the way of escape to all from eternal judgment.  Is Jesus your personal Passover lamb?


Monday, December 21, 2020

4 lessons for tough Times

 Read Exodus 11. 

The LORD told Moses to announce the tenth plague.  This time the LORD Himself will pass through the land of Egypt at midnight and kill the firstborn of every family and of all cattle.  This was a direct confrontation with Pharaoh whose own firstborn son was considered a god.  The suffering throughout the nation would be unimaginable.   

The plagues were designed to demonstrate to an unbelieving king and nation the power and authority of the Living God and to call them to repentance toward Him.  The result would be Pharaoh's unconditional release of his Hebrew slaves. 

But there would be no such suffering among the Israelites.  "Not a dog shall growl against any of the people of Israel." (v.7)    

The Jews had lived in Egypt for 400 years.  As slaves, they had very little in the way of possessions.  Journeying from Egypt to the land of Canaan would require resources to sustain them.  How would this practical need be met?  While Pharaoh hardened his heart against God and the Israelites, the LORD gave Moses and His people favor among the Egyptians.  The Egyptians willingly shared their silver and gold with the slaves in anticipation of their departure. 

There are four lessons here that will sustain us in the toughest of times.

1. God wants everyone to know, love and worship Him alone.

2. God is all-powerful and the ultimate source of all authority.

3. God protects His people.

4. God provides for the needs of His people. 

"And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)


Saturday, December 19, 2020

3 common and deadly spiritual Mistakes

 Read Exodus 10. 

After seven devastating demonstrations of God's absolute power, Pharaoh still refused to yield himself to the LORD.  The cost grew higher each time for him and his nation.  Systematically, the false gods of Egypt were being shown for what they were--nothing! 

Locusts: The Egyptians even had a god to protect them from the swarms of locusts called Serapia. 

Darkness: Amon-Re, Aten, Atum, Horus, Harakhte were worshipped as sun gods; Thoth, the moon god.  

Pharaoh hardened his heart against the LORD.  John Calvin labeled this "outrageous obstinacy".  God will get glory from Pharaoh either way (9:16).  At that point, the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart for three reasons: so that the Egyptians would witness "these signs among them and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and of your grandson how I have dealt harshly with the Egyptians and what sins I have done among them, that you may know that I am the LORD." (v.2) 

Pharaoh made three serious and deadly mistakes.

1. Pharaoh mistook God's word for the word of a human. (v.7)

Despite all that had taken place, the king still wanted to be in charge.  God kept pursuing Pharaoh and patiently increasing the pressure.  Yet, Pharaoh saw this as a match of wills; his against Moses.  A person who ignores God's word does so at their own peril.  "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thought and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)  

2. Pharaoh mistook temporary feelings for eternal actions. (vv.16-17)

This was the second time he did this.  Under the pressure of moment, he wanted relief.  But his words of "I have sinned" and "forgive my sin" proved empty.  They were, perhaps, emotionally sincere but were spiritually false.  He had no intentions of surrendering his life to the LORD.  Remorse is not repentance.  The Apostle Paul preached, "...that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds in keeping with their repentance." (Acts 26:20) 

3. Pharaoh mistook partial obedience for doing God's will. (vv.24-27)

Partial obedience is disobedience.  He thought he could negotiate what God had commanded.  The truth, promised by the LORD in Genesis 15:13-14, was that the Jews were leaving Egypt to return to their real home.  It was to be a total exodus.  Partial obedience is evidence that a person is holding back from God for self-serving reasons.  Such actions cost Saul his kingship and ultimately his life (1 Samuel 15:10-23). 

"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him." (2 Chronicles 16:9) 


Thursday, December 17, 2020

The sin of a false Confession

 Read Exodus 9. 

The LORD continued to respond to Pharaoh's question: "Who is the LORD that I should obey him?" (5:2) 

The Egyptians were deeply religious, worshiping a multitude of so-called gods.  But they refused to acknowledge the one and only true God.  The ten plagues became the answer to that spiritual challenge. 

Death of domestic animals: Ptah, Hathor, Mnevis, Amon were gods associated with bulls and cows. 

Boils: The Egyptians considered Sekhmet to be a goddess of epidemics.  Serapis and Imhotep were the so-called gods of healing. 

Hail and Fire: Nut was a sky goddess; Seth and Isis agricultural deities; Shu, the god of the atmosphere. 

What will it take to bring the king of Egypt to acknowledge the truth?  Moses said, "You are still exalting yourself..." (v.17)  The solution would not be found in religious debate or apologetics.  The root of this problem was the man's pride and smug rebellion against the LORD.  Pharaoh defied God and thought he not only knew better but that he could somehow get away with rejecting God. 

After the plague of hail, Pharaoh declared: "This time I have sinned; the LORD is right, and I and my people are in the wrong."  (v.27).  However, acknowledging sin is not the same as repentance.  Once the pressure was off, Pharaoh refused to obey God.  Repentance of sin involves a turning from the wrong to doing what is right.  His failure to obey the LORD proved the insincerity of his words. 

His hard heart brought only more misery and pain on himself and all those around him.  God's purpose was to demonstrate "that there is none like me in all the earth." (v.14)  He alone is worthy of our worship and our obedience to His word.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A case of self-imposed Suffering

 Read Exodus 8. 

The plagues came one by one, mocking and demonstrating the powerlessness of the religious belief system of the Egyptians.  Beside the false god of the Nile, they had an intricate multitude of gods. Frogs: They worshipped two frog goddesses Hapi and Heqt. 

Gnats: This was directed against the false worship of Seb, the so-called earth god. 

Flies: Uatchit, the fly god.

While Satan could counter with a facsimile of the first and second plagues, his power is limited.  The magicians of Egypt could not stop the plagues and, then, could no longer reproduce the ensuing ones.  At that point, the magicians came to realize "this is the finger of God" (8:19). 

The LORD's intent was to answer Pharaoh's question from 5:2, "Who is the LORD that I should obey Him?" and to prove to the Egyptians "there is no one like the LORD our God" (8:10). 

Pharaoh must have felt smug after his own spiritual leaders copied the initial plagues.  But he finally had to ask Moses for relief from them.  Once the pressure was off, Pharaoh showed no signs of learning his lesson.  He even promised in 8:28 to let the Israel go, but he lied.  After all of these displays of God's power, Pharaoh hardened his heart against the LORD.  His rebellion against God and his ingratitude for God's mercy would prove costly to everyone around him.  Eventually, the exodus of Israel will take place but Egypt will be destroyed in the process.  

Don't miss the LORD's loving care of His own people in 8:23: "I will put a division between my people and your people."  While the Egyptians suffered these plagues, the people of Israel did not.   

God certainly can and does discipline His children, but His wrath is reserved for those who reject Him.  How much better it is for us and everyone around us when we listen and obey the LORD at His first prompting.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The war for human Hearts

 Read Exodus 7. 

The purpose of the ten plagues was not only to deliver the people of Israel from slavery but that "The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD..." (v.5 and v.17).  These were demonstrations of how powerful and worthy He is of their worship.  Each of the plagues was directed specifically against the system of false worship the Egyptians had made up.  Later in 12:12 God said, "...on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD."   

The Nile River provided water to the nation for crops and the resulting agricultural prosperity.  Instead of thanking the LORD of heaven for such grace, they invented the god Osiris and envisioned the river as being his bloodstream.  So, the LORD demonstrated their foolishness to them.  It is as if God responded with "You think this is a bloodstream?  Let me show what that would really be like."  The disaster lasted seven days. 

Empowered by the devil, the magicians of Egypt were able to duplicate the change of water into blood.  When Pharaoh saw the counterfeit, he discounted the power of God.  Instead of humbling himself before the LORD, he hardened his heart even more.  This is raw and open spiritual warfare.  

Satan is a counterfeiter.  Jesus called him the father of lies (John 8:44).  Satan endeavors to come up with cheap substitutes for the will and work of God to distract the hearts and minds of humans from the truth.  He is the source of all false religions in order to thwart people from knowing and living for Jesus.  He is the liar behind all temptation to do anything but what God wants a person to be doing.  He is the accuser against God behind the thoughts that question what is clearly stated in the Bible.  His singular goal is to keep as many humans as possible from giving themselves to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and eternal life.  Satan is a defeated foe, faces eternal damnation, and wants to take as many down with him as possible. 

A hard heart loses all sensitivity to the difference between good and evil.  The Holy Spirit of God helps us to spiritually appraise the people and happenings around us so we are not fooled by Satan's schemes.  (1 Corinthians 2:9-16).


Monday, December 14, 2020

What happens when things get Worse?

 Read Exodus 6. 

"But the LORD..."  To God, it does not matter what the circumstances seem to be.  Life is all about fulfilling God's plan and purpose for our lives.  It is truly is all about Him.  Our trust is in the One who controls the circumstances. 

"Now," He said.  This is God's timing.  It is His plan.  These are His people.  It is His name and authority that have been challenged by Pharaoh.  In the first eight verses, notice how many personal references the LORD makes.  The word "I" appears 18 times in the ESV; that does not include the words "my" and "myself". 

Armed with this powerful reassurance, Moses obeyed God and spoke to the people.  But the people did not listen.  They could not hear it or process it in faith due to "their broken spirit (internal pain) and harsh slavery (external pain)." (v.9) 

The test of their faith was great and in their discouragement they were not seeing their prayers being answered.  After crying out to God for help, their circumstances had grown worse.  They were losing hope.  God had not changed.  His promises had not diminished.  His deliverance was at work.  Hope was right in front of them. 

When the people did not listen, the leader became disheartened.  Moses blamed himself for not being able to communicate in an effective manner.  This resulted in his reluctance to obey God's directive.  The LORD foretold Moses of this adversity with Pharaoh at the burning bush.  And God also foretold of the demonstration of His "wonders" in order to facilitate Israel's exodus from Egypt (3:19-22).  But in the pressure of the moment, God's promises lost their impact. 

We must be on our guard not to interpret our circumstances by our feelings.  Our feelings are fickle.  When there is a delay in answers to our prayers, we must recognize it as a test of our faith.  Will we stand on the word of God in difficult times, knowing He is in control?  


Friday, December 11, 2020

A lesson for those who defy God

 Read Exodus 5. 

If Moses and the Israelites thought they were ready to leave, they were mistaken.  God had them in the right place, but more preparation was needed.  God prepared them physically with increased labor and hardship.  The events that were ahead would make them stronger spiritually as God systematically revealed the greatness of His power.  At the same time God was working in Pharaoh and the Egyptians to bring them a point of total humiliation. 

Moses obeyed God and delivered the message to Pharaoh.  Verse two contains, perhaps, the most dangerous words a human could utter.  "Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice...?  If there is a question God delights in answering, it is that one!  Then, he added, "I will not..."  This is open rebellion and defiance against the Creator of the Universe.  Defiance goes beyond doubt or disbelief.  The audacity, the pride, the insane arrogance behind that attitude is hard to fathom.  

A mere human being became so satanically deceived as to actually believe he could successfully ignore and openly rebel against the Living God!  After all, the Pharaohs were considered deity.  Everyone was to worship them, not the God of Israel.  Ah, but He is much more than the God of Israel, He is the King of Kings, LORD of Lords, and the only true God.  He is the Owner of life itself.  He is the giver of life and He can take it at His will. 

The next several chapters are nothing more than an answer to Pharaoh's question.  The result will be the total destruction of this once mighty nation. 

When a person is confronted with the LORD's claim on their lives and becomes defiant, thinking that God may be ignored, watch how God responds.  

1. Sometimes, He allows them to go their own way and get their fill of the empty dreams they are chasing.  A Christ-less future of eternal punishment is all that awaits them.  

2. Sometimes, He responds quickly to the rebellion and removes them from this life.  

Either way, they made their decision not to respond to God's loving offer of forgiveness and eternal life.  

3. Sometimes, after the harsh results of their bad decisions brings them to a point of humility, they become willing to listen to God's wooing and respond to His grace with "Yes, LORD". 

There is nothing in this life more joyous than to see a person come to a place of humble repentance toward God and faith in the LORD Jesus Christ.  The results are real life now and life everlasting.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Overcoming our feelings of Inadequacy

 Read Exodus 4. 

Moses moved from questioning what God commanded him to do to outright rejection of what God said.  All of his excuses centered on his feelings of inadequacy.  Meanwhile, God continued to demonstrate that the job depended upon His adequacy, not Moses.   

With each of his five excuses, God countered with a promise.

1. Moses: "Who am I that I should go...?" (3:11)

God: A promise of His presence.  "I will be with you." 

2. Moses: "What is his name?" or "By what authority would I approach this task?" (3:13)

God: A promise of His Person.  "I AM. 

3. Moses: "They will not believe me." (4:1)

God: A promise of His miraculous power. 

4. Moses: "I am not eloquent." (4:10)

God: A promise of presentation.  "I will teach you." 

5. Moses: "Send someone else." (4:13)

God: A promise of a partner.


God wanted to use Moses to help millions of enslaved people; a priceless opportunity!  But Moses tried to give it away.  God wanted to give Moses national and international influence as a leader.  But Moses wanted to protect himself and stay where he was.  God wanted to demonstrate His omnipotence.  Moses only focused on his own limitations.

While God prepared Moses, He also prepared the people. 

1. The people did believe the message. 

2. The people realized that God had heard and was answering their prayers. 

3. They people worship the LORD.  

The LORD delights in using people who know that adequacy for the assignment in not within them.  The Apostle Paul put it this way in 2 Corinthians 4:7-"But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us."  Humble service with dependence on God allows all the glory to go to Him alone.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

When God calls your Name

 Read Exodus 3. 

Another 40 years went by.  Moses was now 80.  He spent the middle part of his life humbly tending the sheep of his father-in-law.  God used this time to change Moses' character and to teach him how to lead a flock in the desert.  These are the very qualities that the LORD would use for Moses' life mission. 

God revealed Himself in a creative way, using a curiosity approach, to gain Moses' attention.  It was not until Moses "turned aside to see" that God spoke to him.  Hearing what God has to say begins with a willingness to turn to Him.  Once a person becomes willing then they are ready to listen to what God has to say to them. 

Now, that God has Moses' attention and willingness, He unfolded the deliverance plan for the people of Israel.  When God wants something done, He will give the vision for the task to a leader of His choosing.  Moses was to be that leader. 

Notice that Moses had lost both his swagger and his confidence.  Then, he began questioning and pushing back on God's call for his life.  When a person has been hurt, rejected and disillusioned, their focus is on self and self-protection.  Each time God gave him all that would be needed for success. 

Moses: "Who am I?"

God: "I will be with you."  In addition, God added a specific promise of deliverance.

The issue was no longer the call, but Moses' faith in the living God. 

Moses: "What is his name?" 

God: "I AM who I AM."

Because of the past, Moses envisioned that he would be rejected by the people as having no authority to deliver God's message to them and lead.  Again, his focus was on self, rather than the person and power of God.  The "I AM" refers to God's eternal nature.  He is always in the present tense as the self-existent One.  The indication is that God would prepare the people to recognize that name as authoritative and follow Moses.  Again, God added the promise of deliverance. 

One by one, the LORD supplied a solid answer to each of Moses' questions.  It is good for humans to ask questions concerning their faith and God's Word.  But after one knows what God has said, then it falls on human responsibility to immediately obey.  


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

4 attributes of God that affect us Everyday

 Read Exodus 2. 

Is the God of heaven truly interested in the details of our lives?

If so, does He have a plan for each individual?

Does He intervene to fulfill that plan?

The Bible answers all those questions and more in this chapter. 

While male Hebrew babies were being killed at Pharaoh's command, God protected Moses.  The LORD not only spared his life but provided for his mother, his education, and leadership experience.  When Moses grew up, it seems as though he knew God had put him in such a powerful position to help his people.  But the abuse of power and privilege is never the will of God.  Like Joseph, the Lord did not change His mind, or His plans, concerning Moses' future.  But He was going to change Moses' character. 

At age forty, Moses was a murderer, rejected by the people he wanted to lead, and hunted by those who raised him.  Instead of living in luxury, he sat alone in the desert by a well.  He must have thought that life was over.  His impetuous, pride-filled decision cost him everything.  The suffering was self-inflicted.  But God.... 

God sent Jethro's daughter to begin the unfolding of the next phase of his life. 

As the Lord prepared Moses in the desert, He has not forgotten about the needs of those enslaved in Egypt.  The people cried out to God for help.  Verse 24 provides a four-part reassurance of God's personal attention and involvement in human lives:

1. God heard.  The Lord wants to hear from us.  Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." 

2. God remembered His word. The Lord did not forget.  The basis for His answer to their prayer was the promise that He made.  The Word of God is the basis of answered prayer.  Jesus stated in John 15:7 "If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."  

3. God saw.  The Lord is looking for righteous people to help.  2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward Him." 

4. God knew.  Jesus said in Matthew 6:31-32 "Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat? ' or 'What shall we wear?'  For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you."  

Monday, December 7, 2020

The Bible's first case of civil Disobedience

 Read Exodus 1.

At the end of Genesis, Jacob's total family numbered only 70.  They lived on the finest land in Egypt, overseeing of all the nation's livestock and food supplies.  At the opening of Exodus, several hundreds of years have gone by.  The family of Israel became a nation of several million people living in this foreign country.  The new Pharaoh felt threatened by them, but he did not want to lose their manpower.  His solution was slavery.  However, God blessed Israel with even more rapid population growth.  Pharaoh's solution was to kill all newborn males. 

The Hebrew midwives were charged with the murderous task of killing the newborns.  "But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live."  Pharaoh's order was self-serving and evil.  This is the first case in the scripture of civil disobedience. 

Bernard Ramm wrote that the midwives had to choose among their fears: a) to fear the invisible God or b) to fear the visible king.  "Faith sees the real power; sight sees the immediate power." 

Once a person no longer cares what God thinks, there will be no respect for His presence, no regard for His expectations, little regard for human life, and no fear of His judgment.  Such a person's heart becomes wide-open to any, every, and all sinful behavior. 

These women did not protest or raise a ruckus.  They quietly and humbly did what was right.  When asked about it, they may not have been lying, but they just did not say more than they had to.  By faith, they trusted God.  The Lord took care of the two women involved and, to this day, we even have their names: Shiphrah and Puah.

1. God protected them from punishment.

2. God blessed them, v. 20-"God dealt well with them".

3. God gave them their own families. v.21 

A principle is seen throughout the Bible in such cases when authority conflicts with the known will of God.  It is this: God is able to take care of the consequences of our obedience to Him.


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Forgiving because we have been Forgiven

Read Genesis 50. 

What a funeral procession that must have been!  Imagine the site of the high servants and leaders of Egypt, accompanying Jacob's family, traveling approximately 200 miles to the old family burial site. 

Funerals are one of the occasions that should bring family and friends together.  People mourn differently.  Some immediately feel the impact of the loss and show great emotion.  Others take their time processing how they feel.  Many leaders in the family, who end up making all the arrangements, do not have time for a good cry until after everyone leaves.  Memories flood the mind of the laughter, fun and good experiences of the past.  But quite often there are divisions and regrets too. 

Though Joseph forgave and treated his brothers with great generosity for years, his brothers still carried the regret for what they did to him.  They feared that Joseph had only been good to them for their father's sake and now he would seek his revenge.  They did not just ask for forgiveness, they pleaded with Joseph.  His response is one of the most remarkable signs of spiritual maturity and understanding.  

"Do not fear, for am I in the place of God?  As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."  Then he comforted them. 

Such a statement demonstrated:

1. He gave God the credit for all true forgiveness.  “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

2. He did not brush away the sin against him, but called it the evil that it was.

3. He understood how God used that evil to help him deal with his own sin and to mature in his trust of God.  Romans 8:28-And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

4. He realized that God had used and was using those very circumstances to now meet the desperate needs of others.

5. He was able to be kind and minister to others because he had experienced the freedom of God's forgiveness.  2 Corinthians 1:3,4-"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." 

We can forgive because we have experienced God's love and forgiveness.  We can comfort and encourage others because the Holy Spirit has ministered to us.


Friday, December 4, 2020

Passing on our blessed Hope

 Read Genesis 49. 

These are the last recorded words of Jacob.  It was customary for the patriarch of the family to make such formal pronouncements, usually in the form of a blessing.  The statements are based upon the personal character and proven traits of each of the twelve sons.  However, in addition, God gave Jacob prophetic insight into their futures. 

For Reuben, Simeon and Levi, their previous actions cost them. 

Joseph received the most attention.  He was the firstborn of the beloved Rachel and his father's favorite son.  Jacob delivered a special blessing upon him. 

Of the twelve, it is the prophecy to Judah that affects the rest of the Bible.   

Matthew 1 confirms that Messiah's lineage came through Judah.  Humanly, Jacob could not have known that at the time, but now with the rest of scripture complete, his words to Judah are fascinating.

1. The family will praise him, even bow down before him. v.8a, 8c

2. He will be victorious over his enemies. v.8b

3. He is referred to as a lion. v.9

4. He will rule as a king. v. 10

5. He will bring in a time of prosperity, even opulence. vv.11-13


Compare that list to some of the passages about Jesus, the Messiah.

1. " the name of Jesus every knee should bow..." (Philippians 2:9-11)

2. "...I make your enemies a footstool for your feet..." (Hebrews 1:13)

3. "...the Lion of the tribe of Judah..." (Revelation 5:5)

4. "But of the Son he says, 'Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom." (Hebrews 1:8)

5. Isaiah 65:17-25 describes the Millennial Kingdom of peace and prosperity when Messiah reigns on earth.  

While we enjoy the blessings of a personal relationship with Jesus today, untold future blessings await for those who know Him.  Pass this blessed hope on to others.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

4 characteristics of the God of Israel

Read Genesis 48. 

Seventeen more years went by and Jacob, at 147 years of age, lay dying.  Key to his account here is the covenant God made with Abraham and was passed on to Isaac and then to Jacob (v.4).  In blessing Joseph's two sons, Jacob fully included these boys in that unconditional covenant from God though they are half-Egyptian by their mother.  In the future, there will be no tribe of Joseph mentioned; only the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh. 

On his deathbed Jacob gave a testimony of his journey with God.  

1.  The LORD is "my shepherd."

This is the first mention in the Bible of God being a shepherd.  Like a good shepherd, the LORD cares for, leads and feds those in His flock.  The LORD was not only the God of his fathers but Jacob had a personal relationship with Him. 

Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd." (John 10:11a)

Jesus said, "The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10:11b)

Jesus said, "I know my own and my own know me." (John 10:14b)  

2. The LORD is "the angel."

Surely, this is a reference to God Himself as He appeared to Abraham.  In these preincarnate visits of Christ, the LORD made known His plans for this family's future.  Jacob wrestled with Him in Chapter 32.

3. The LORD "has redeemed me from all evil."

This is the first use of the word redeemed in the Bible.  It means "to buy back".  As one may be destitute, a near relative would come to that person's rescue and assume full responsibility for them.  Jacob praised God for being such a Rescuer in protecting him and his family. 

Even an older reference maybe the one found in the book of Job as he declared, "For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth." (Job 19:25) 

4. The LORD hears and answers prayer.

Jacob looked to God to "bless" his family, to protect the legacy, and fulfill His promises.



Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The making of a Legacy

 Read Genesis 47. 

Joseph walked into the presence of the most powerful man in the world and presented his family.  Pharaoh's appreciation and trust of Joseph is seen vividly when he extended to them the best of the land.  It was the land of Goshen, or as it is called in 47:11, the land of Rameses.  The lush, river basin section of Egypt was ideal for Israel's herds.   

Meanwhile, the drought and famine continued.  Year by year the resulting economic depression worsened.  The Egyptians traded all they had for food.  Thanks to the God-inspired preparation, Joseph led in controlling the food supply, the people, and all the land.  The result was that Pharaoh owned everything in Egypt.  This established a future taxation system of a 20% on all produce.  The people responded by saying, "You have saved our lives." (v.25) 

Joseph could never have imagined how God would use him like this during the days of his imprisonment.  When one is in the midst of suffering, it is difficult to trust that God has a plan for our good and the impact it will have on others.  But in the Lord's timing and our faithfulness, the plan will come to light. 

What if Joseph had rebelled during his slavery?  What if he had given in to temptation?  What if he had been sloppy in his work?  What if his heart had not been right with God when Pharaoh asked for help with his dream?  What if Joseph harbored bitterness and an unforgiving spirit toward his family?  Gratefully, we will never know.  This man stayed true to his faith through it all.  The Lord not only blessed Joseph but his family and the entire nation. 

A British preacher by the name of Henry Varley famously said, "The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him."  When D. L. Moody hear that statement in 1873 he replied, "By God's help, I aim to be that man."  Moody's legacy continues to this day.  Our legacy is at work right now.