Tuesday, June 9, 2020

3 encouragements for Christian Soldiers

Read 2 Corinthians 2.

If you know the story has a happy ending, there is less concern for the lead character during the threats along the way.  The end of our story as believers has been written down for us.  We know where this world is headed and who will be in charge.  We are safe for eternity and will be rewarded accordingly.  In the meantime, there are stresses, challenges, and threats of every kind.

The Apostle Paul listed some of his personal ordeals in chapter 3.  But with each challenge, he responded with endurance.  Like the prize fighter said, "I am either up or I am getting up."  Adversity could not keep him down.  What kept Paul going was that he knew Jesus has already won.

Here, in verses 16, the Holy Spirit guided Paul to draw a comparison with the Roman victory parades.  By faith, we can envision one day Christ leading us like this.  Such spectacles were not only marked by tremendous sights and sounds but with smells also.  Laurels, flowers, and burning incense filled the atmosphere with fragrances.  The winners in such military campaigns rejoiced.  But that likewise means that there were losers.  The defeated foes do not celebrate.

Paul took that picture into present tense as the Gospel of Christ is being shared.  "To those who are being saved" the good news of Jesus is a celebration of life.  The aroma is welcomed and refreshing to the soul.  But "among those who are perishing" the message carries the smell of death.  They are repelled by it.   It is an awesome assignment to relate to others God's eternal truth.  That very thought caused the Apostle to ask, "Who is sufficient for these things?"  Sometimes the assignment, especially the negative responses, may be more than one can handle.

Again, if one knows the how the events will all play out at the conclusion, we have hope.
1. "Thanks be to God..."
It is His message, not ours.  It is His assignment for us to tell others, not our option.  It is His responsibility to open hearts as we are faithful in presenting the good news.  It is about Him, not us.

2. "...who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession...."
Living as a believer is not a sometime thing.  It is not only when life goes well.  It is "always", at all times.  Not because of circumstances, but because of our faith in Christ.  We can endure the current battles knowing the victory has already been won.  We need to stand tall in this current march of triumph.

3. "...and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere."
Everywhere we go, whether we are aware of it or not, we carry this aroma.  Others can sense from us.

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