Thursday, October 17, 2024

How God works for our Success

 Read Judges 4-5. 

Cycle number three begins with the very first verse.  After 80 years of peace, Ehud, the judge who delivered them, died.  The new generation left the God who loves them to go their own evil way.  This time the LORD raised up King Jabin of Canaan to conquer and enslave Israel for 20 years.  Then, the people cried out to God for help.  God responded by using Deborah, a prophetess and judge. 

Deborah chose Barak to lead Israel's army in the overthrow of the Canaanites.  Barak's insistence on Deborah going with him was probably for her wise counsel and reassurance of the presence of God.  Barak exercised great faith in taking this assignment and completing it.  He is listed in Faith's Hall of Fame (Hebrews 11:32). 

In her prophecy statement to Barak, she said, "Up!  For this is the day in which the LORD has given Sisera into your hand." (4:14)  The scripture makes it clear that the LORD went before them and caused the Canaanite army to flee.  Sisera escaped and was killed by a woman, Jael.  "So on that day God subdued Jabin the king of Canaan before the people of Israel." (4:23) 

The victory was followed by a long, narrative duet by Deborah and Barak.  Then, the nation enjoyed peace again for 40 years. 

The lessons of the repeating cycles are the same.  God will not allow people to go on indefinitely in sin.  Sin has devastating consequences.  Yet, when sinners abandon their sin to obey the LORD, He faithfully responds with forgiveness and deliverance.  In freeing His people, God has a plan for them and a time for the plan (4:14).  God even goes before His people to clear the way ahead.  But notice they still must do the fighting and pursuing.  He will not do it for them. 

In the duet, we learn some additional take away principles of success.

1. "Leaders took the lead." (5:2a)

Dr. Lee Roberson originally coined the phrase, "Everything rises and falls on leadership."

Olan Hendrix asked, "Have you ever noticed that the bottle neck is always at the top?"

Every nation, organization, church, and family needs godly and/or good leadership to survive.  But leadership is not a position.  It is an active endeavor.  People never achieve all their potential as a group unless someone takes the lead. 

2. "The people offered themselves willingly." (5:2b)

No person can lead anything alone.  A person is not a leader unless someone is following them.  The people within a nation, organization, church, or family have the responsibility to follow godly and/or good leadership.  Concerning the Macedonian believers Paul wrote, "...they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us." (2 Corinthians 8:5)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

4 insights from bad Examples

 Read Judges 3. 

There are two reasons mentioned here as what God was doing with the nation.  Pagan people groups lived all around them.  First, He was testing them to see if they would reject spiritual corruption and obey His word.  Second, this new generation grew up without knowing how to go to war when needed.  They had to learn both. 

Their moral and spiritual failure of God's tests did not happen overnight.  The compromises took place over time, step by step.

Step 1. They lived among the unbelievers.

Step 2. They intermarried with the unbelievers.

Step 3. They served the pagan gods of the other cultures. 

This, then, began cycle number one in the book.

God was not going to tolerate their disobedience and evil in rejecting Him.  So, He brought King Cushan-rishathaim of Mesopotamia to enslave them for eight years.  The people cried out to God for help and the LORD raised up a godly national leader.  His name was Othniel, the nephew of Caleb.  Note that it was not the leadership of Othniel that delivered them, but "the Spirit of the LORD."  The nation experienced peace for 40 years. 

Cycle number two begins in verse 12.

After 48 years, another generation had grown up who did not desire to live for the LORD.  So, God energized King Eglon of Moab, along with some allies, to conquer and enslave Israel for eighteen years.  Then, the people cried out to God for help and the LORD raised up Ehud to deliver them.  God gave the nation 80 years of peace. 

There are four insights here for us.

1. The power of influence.  All of us need to be fully aware of our surroundings.  God has left believers in this world to influence our culture, not the other way around.  Indeed, those who live for Christ will increasingly find themselves living counter to culture.  We are "in the world but not of the world." 

2. The priority of teaching the next generation.  It is our duty, responsibility, and mission to teach the generations behind us what God's word says and how to put it into practice.  Otherwise, the consequences of shame, loss, and ultimately enslavement are well documented here. 

3. The purpose of accountability.  It has never been the plan of God that one should live without accountability.  Self-reliance is a recipe for disaster.  That is why godly, transparent relationships are crucial to our spiritual growth and maintenance.  Close friendships and/or marriage partner, and Bible teaching churches are core elements to the Christian life. 

4. The primacy of godly leadership.  When people are in need of leadership, the LORD does not raise up a committee.  He does not ask for a majority vote.  He raises up a godly leader, empowered by His spirit, and appropriately accountable.  The book of Judges repeatedly demonstrates that one leader in the power of God can rally and deliver a nation.  


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What happened to God's Grandchildren?

 Read Judges 2. 

Someone once said, "God does not have any grandchildren."  That could not be clearer than in this chapter.  The first generation coming out of Egypt saw firsthand the miracles of God.  Moses even wrote down the word of God and their commitments so they would not forget.  The second generation benefited as they wandered in the wilderness.  God provided their daily food and needs.  When the second generation came into the land, they saw firsthand God's power and miracles under Joshua's leadership. 

But when Joshua died, "there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD or the work that he had done for Israel.  And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD and served the Baals." (v.10-11)  This resulted in their loss of God's power in their nation and placed them in "terrible distress." 

In their helplessness, the nation cried out to God for help.  The LORD responded by raising up a new national leader, called a judge.  That was followed by a time of victory and peace.  But as soon as the judge died, the people abandoned God and plunged back into pagan worship.  That was followed by oppression from a neighboring nation, great distress, helplessness, crying out to God, a new judge, and a time of peace. 

This cycle repeats itself 7 times in this book.  Walk Thru the Bible described it this way:

1. Sin-the nation falls into pagan worship.

2. Servitude-the nation suffers under an oppressive enemy.

3. Supplication-the nation cries out to God for help.

4. Salvation-God responds by raising up a new national leader to deliver them.

5. Silence-a time of peace 

In verse 22, God called each generation to a spiritual test to see if they would live according to His word.  Whatever grade the previous generation made on their test did not apply to the next.  

No one can take God's tests for us.  Godly parents do not guarantee godly children.  Parents are commanded to teach their children by precept and by living example (Deuteronomy 6).  But each generation, each person, is responsible and accountable for their own response to God.  The consequences for not listening and abandoning the LORD are devastating.  Great blessing, forgiveness, deliverance, and peace await those who cast their helplessness on Him.


Monday, October 14, 2024

When coexistence becomes Sin

 Read Judges 1-2:5. 

Controlling the land and taking possession of it are two different issues.  Joshua led the nation into the land, exercised great power over it, and set the boundaries for the tribes.  But the land was far from being fully occupied by Israel. 

One by one the tribes set out to take the land that God had given to them.  Yet, a half-dozen times we are told that a particular tribe "did not drive out" the inhabitants.  Instead, they worked out a covenant of coexistence.  Most often that meant that those who lived in the land submitted to forced labor. 

While on one hand that may sound like a wise, even merciful, thing to do, it was a direct violation of what God ordered.  The command was clear.  Israel was not to make any agreements with the surrounding peoples.  The reason was not to display military might and power over others.  From the beginning of the conquest, the LORD warned them against spiritual compromise.  The Canaanites had rejected the God of Heaven to worship their multiple man-made idols.  In Genesis 15:16, God told Abraham that his descendants would return and take the land at that time because of the completed sin of the Amorites. 

There can be no compromise or coexistence with sin and false worship.  God is a jealous God and will not share the honor due Him with anyone or anything.  

The good news is that the nation of Israel repented in tears for their disobedience.  Then, they worshipped the LORD. (2:4-5) 

The Apostle Paul wrote that believers in Jesus are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  In stating his case, he quoted Leviticus 26:12 and continued-"God said, I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) 

We must be diligent and vigilant about the spiritual areas of compromise and attempts at coexistence with sin in our lives.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Decisive Message for the Nation

 Read Joshua 24. 

In the previous chapter, Joshua addressed the nation's leaders.  Here in his final words, he spoke to all of Israel.  He began with a history lesson.  It is a walk through the first five books of the Bible.  His message had three parts and then a most interesting back and forth about the challenge. 

1. How God has led us. (vv.1-12)

Notice how Joshua is actually presenting this on behalf of God Himself, "Thus says the LORD."  Beginning with God's call of Abraham, Joshua recounted their family lineage.  Next, he reminded them of the days in Egypt and how God miraculously delivered them.  He mentioned the wilderness wandering and how God gave them victory over enemies along the way.  Then, God brought them into the land and gave it to them, just as he had promised Abraham centuries before. 

2. How God has blessed us. (v.13)

God said, "I gave you a land" with cities they did not build and crops they did not plant.  This was their inheritance from the LORD.  They were to enjoy it all. 

3. How we should respond. (vv.14-28)

Fear the LORD.  This is more than just a reverential awe of the Almighty.  If anything, they should have learned through Israel's journey that God knows how to mete out judgment here and now.  Sin has consequences.  Respect and right responses to what God has made clear is a matter of life and death.  Paul wrote, "Knowing the fear (terror in KJV) of the Lord we persuade others." (2 Corinthians 5:11) 

Serve the LORD.  Joshua said this is to be done "in sincerity and in faithfulness."  Integrity is demonstrated in how we live out what we say we believe.  This is how we demonstrate of our faith.  "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31) 

Incline your heart to the LORD.  Which way are you leaning, toward the LORD or away from Him?  One translation puts it, "make up your mind."  Joshua's challenge to the nation was, "Choose this day whom you will serve." (v.15b) 

His conclusion is the famous quotation, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 

The exchange that followed is a curious one indeed.  The people responded with agreement, "We also will serve the LORD."  Then, the preacher, if you will, said, "You are not able."  The people responded again, "No, but we will serve the LORD."  It was a test to prove the seriousness of their commitment.  Joshua made it a national covenant, wrote it down, and dedicated a monument so they would remember what they promised. 

These are serious reminders for all of us.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

A message to national Leaders

 Read Joshua 23. 

Nearing the end of his life, Joshua delivered two major addresses.  The first is in this chapter and it is directed to the leaders of Israel.  The speech emphasizes a singular message of national life and death, repeated three times. 

1. How we got here.  (vv.1-8)

Yes, they were on the land.  But the reason they were there was according to God's everlasting covenant-promise to Abraham. 

Yes, they fought the battles to capture the land.  But "it was the LORD your God who has fought for you." (v.3b)

Yes, they controlled the land.  But there remained much left to do in order to actually possess all the land.  For their future they would need to "be very strong to keep and do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses..." (v.6)  This statement is right out of Joshua 1 and has been his guiding life principle ever since.

Yes, they knew and served the Living God.  But there were many luring, spiritual distractions.  "But you shall cling to the LORD your God." (v.8) 

2. How to protect what we have.  (vv.9-13)

With God on their side, Israel was invincible.  Again, Joshua repeated that it was "God who fights for you." (v.10)

Instead of obedience to God, this time he stated, "Be careful to love the LORD your God." (v.11)

And then came the warning of giving in to the sinful distractions around them that would pollute the nation spiritually.  The first result would be "that the LORD your God will no longer drive out these nations before you." (v.12)  Second, they would suffer, perish, and lose the land. 

3. How to preserve our future.  (vv.14-16)

"Not one word has failed of all the good things that the LORD your God promised concerning you." (v.14)

This was followed by the reminders again of how God has provided and the disaster of sinning against Him. 

The scripture states clearly that God raises up one and puts down another.  Leaders and peoples can become prideful that it was by their own doing that they have come to power.  Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."  (Proverbs 14:34) 

The take away statements for all of us are:

God is faithful and keeps His promises.

God's people are to cling to Him alone, to be strong, obeying God's word and loving Him. 

There are blessings for obedience and severe consequences with great loss for disobedience.


Friday, October 11, 2024

3 keys to handling Misunderstandings

 Read Joshua 16-22. 

Most of this section is the account of how the land was divided among the tribes.  The nation convened at Shiloh and there they set up the Tent of Meeting (The Tabernacle).  Finally, everyone had a place to settle and call their own.  The conclusion of chapter 21 is not to be missed.  Israel fought the battles, but it was God who gave them the victory, peace, and the land by promise.  "Not one word of all the good promises that the LORD had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass." (21:45) 

Two and half of the twelve tribes claimed land on the east side of the Jordan River prior to the crossing.  With the war being over they were free to go home.  At their departure in chapter 22, Joshua charged them strongly "to love the LORD your God, and to walk in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to cling to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul." (22:5) 

As the people of Gad, Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh came to the Jordan they did not want future generations to think that the separation of a river meant they were not a part of the nation of Israel and the worship of God.  With all the best intentions of unity and spiritual commitment, they built an altar as a monument of remembrance by the riverbank. 

But when the folks back home got wind that these tribes had built their own altar, civil war nearly broke out.  God made it clear that there was only one altar and one place where sacrifices were to be made to Him.  That altar remained in the Tabernacle in Shiloh.  The rest of the nation perceived this well-intentioned act as an extreme violation of their faith and the perhaps the worship of false gods.  Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed before taking military action. 

There are three key principles here for all of us in resolving misunderstandings or offences.

1. Confrontation. (22:10-20)

For this to be effective it must be prepared.  Choose carefully where to meet and when.  This should be as mutually comfortable as possible to have a serious conversation.      Confronting someone with a wrong motive, in a wrong way, or meeting under false pretenses will only worsen the conflict.  It should be seasoned in prayer (lots of it) so that God is control of you, the situation, and the outcome. 

2. Explanation. (22:21-29)

Emotions must be in check so as not to cloud thinking and reasoning.  Wording should be prepared so the inquiry does not get off-track and cause things to be said that will later be regretted.  What to say and not say is crucial to the outcome, but the inquiry must be specific and honest.  Always assume that there may be something you do not know or understand yet.  Ask for the explanation and then listen to their answer without interrupting them.  Listen to their words and their heart. 

3. Reconciliation. (22:30-34)

The legitimate goal of confrontation is restoration.  Before any confrontation, you should know what is needed in order to reconcile the misunderstanding or offence.  God loves reconciliation.  That is why Jesus came to reconcile us to God.  When we are able to reconcile with each other we are putting God's heart and principles into real action. 

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.  Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.  Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:1-2)